Mental Health and Wellbeing

At Ladysmith, we believe in promoting positive mental health and emotional wellbeing. Prioritising the wellbeing of students and staff ensures that effective teaching and learning can take place, and that the school is a community where everyone feels able to thrive. 

Our Vision for Every Child underpins everything that we do. Ladysmith is a community where we want everyone to feel supported, safe and happy. 

Mental Health and emotional wellbeing is detailed as a priority in our strategic development plan, in our Mental Health and Well-being Policies and across the Federation through the work that we do with all stakeholders.

Wellbeing Ideas and Resources

Our colleagues at Heads Up Mental Health and the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) have shared some resources with us to help support children's mental health.
Childline - Calm Zone

Childline has a calm zone on their website. It's got lots of lovely activities, tips and advice for children to unwind, feel calmer  and generally support their mental health during lockdown.

Childline Calm Zone

10 a Day
Remember to think about the 10 a day things that can help with mental wellbeing.
Dr Karen Treisman has a set of videos on You Tube that support relaxation and Emotional Regulation.
Other Useful Contacts 

Devon Family Resource  - Exeter Communinty Initatives

Below is a link to Devon Family Resource's online toolkit for families in isolation with some useful downloads around well-being/child behaviour; activity books and a list of useful online sites for families.

 The Youngminds Parent Helpline is open Monday – Friday from 9.30am – 4pm and intends to operate through the current coronavirus situation. If you are worried about your child’s mental health during this difficult time call them on: 0808 8025544. There is also an advice blog for Young People who are worried about Coronavirus:

There is also a feature on the Youngminds website with tips for coping with OCD during the coronavirus pandemic:

The ELSA support website has some good child-friendly explanations which might be good for our younger ones/siblings.

 Public health nurses (school nurses) we will be available via email/ telephone to offer support. Please continue to telephone them on the Exeter hub: 0333 234 1902

 New DiAS information about the impact of coronavirus for families with a child with SEND.

 DiAS have had quite a few questions from parents and carers about the changes taking place at school and in wider SEND services during coronavirus. They have published two new pages on their website to help and support you:

  •   Questions and Answers about coronavirus, school, education and SEND
  • Useful resources, including information for children and young people, resources to help with anxiety, home learning resources and support for parents.
  •   Please follow the DiAS Facebook page for updates. And sign up on the DiAS website for the newsletter.