The School Day

The Infant and Nursery School Day
The school day begins at 8.50am and children and families are welcomed at the door or in the classroom by a member of staff. In the Foundation Stage parents are encouraged to bring their children into the classroom while their child settles. This also gives adults time to talk, share information and build relationships. As the children become more independent in Key Stage One they often come into classrooms independently and parents can initially help children with reading book selections.
Lunchtime is at 12pm until 1.15pm for Key Stage One and 12pm until 1pm for Foundations Stage. Meals are free (except for the nursery) and can be selected on a daily basis. Children can go home for lunch but need to be signed in and out at the office.
The day ends at 3.20pm when parents are again encouraged to speak to teachers and staff when they collect their children.
The school week amounts to a total of 32 hours and 30 minutes in a typical week.
Junior School Day
The school day starts at 8:55 in the morning.  From 8:45 the school gates and doors will be open and children can head straight into class.  Parents and carers are encouraged to take them into their classroom, especially with the lower year groups.

Lunch time is split into Year 3 and 4 from 12:00 - 1:00 pm and Years 5 and 6 from 12:30 - 1:30 pm. If you require your child to go home for dinner please inform their teacher or the school office as they will need to sign out and in.

The school day finishes at 3:30.  Again, parents and carers are welcome to meet their children in the school grounds or outside their classroom where possible.
The school week amounts to a total of 32 hours 55 mins in a typical week.

For before and after school care please feel free to contact FISH on 08445 618847.